Near Route 21, 6 km gravel road.
Nearest Town: Dolores 10 km. Nueva Palmira 15 km. Colonia 100 km.
Main house : 4 bedrooms, living room, fireplace, kitchen and bathroom. State : in good conditions
It has a park, to be enjoyed at every moment.
Workers´homes: in habitable conditions too....
Number of sheds : two made of concrete and zinc, in good conditions and usable at this moment.
Facilities for the job: Mangas, schackles, bath pools for bovine and ovine herds, scale, 2 windmills, electric three-phase light.
Divisions: four
No. of pastures: 7
External fences: 7 threads in excellent conditions
Internal fences : 6 or 7 threads in very good conditions too.

Farm aptitude : mixed, good for agriculture and outstanding for cattle breeding and fattening.
Natural water : San Salvador river.Two Australian tanks
160 hectars of natural forests´protection. Protection of forests created .
Earth percentage that can be flooded 0 %.
Interesting financing. Up to three years.
Pictures, maps, documentation available now.