Uruguay. A land of nice people. Honest. Modest. Simple. Kind. Nice to treat with.
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Tres lotes contiguos, con una casa edificada en cada terreno, totalizando 1.265 m2. Ubicados en la mejor zona de Pocitos a 3 cuadras de la Playa. Ideal para inversores con proyecto edilicio de 5 a 10 pisos. El FOS (Factor de ocupación del suelo) es del 60%, pudiendose construir cerca de 1.012 m2 por cada piso de altura. En la zona el valor del m2 de calidad standar a estrenar se estima entre US$2.000 y US$2.500. La venta se realiza en bloque.
Threecontiguous lotswith ahouse builtin each area, totaling1265m2.Located in the best part of Pocitos.3 blocks fromthe beach away.Idealfor investors withbuilding projectsfrom 5 to10 floors.TheFOS(Factorofland cover)is 60%, being able tobuild nearly1012m2 perfloorheight.In thevalue ofm2brand newqualitystandardis estimatedbetween $2,000 and$ 2,500.Theproduct is soldin one block.
Located1,400 kilometersfromBuenosAires, the ValdezPeninsulais an areadeclared a UNESCO WorldNatural HeritageSite, isone of sevenplacesin Argentinathat have thisdistinction.Amongextensivebeachesandgently sloping, quiet bays andsunsets over thesea isTheRestingas. The hotel hasa privileged locationon the beach andunsurpassed viewsfrom their rooms.The deep bluesea, the cliffs and the variety offloraand fauna, a meetingofthe Southern Right Whales, which arrive each year tocomplete their breeding cycle, between Mayand December.Aunique natural scenery. Anunforgettable stayto enjoy theharmony of the landscapein close contactwith nature.Thehotelhas 12modern rooms, restaurant, spa and gym.PuertoMadrynis thegateway tothe peninsula.It has adeepwater port,cruise portand evenits own airport.The call fortourists tothis region isshowinga marked riseoverthe years, theexceptional natural environment,which makes thissite one of thelargestbreeding centersworldwide indifferentspecies and thatyou close towhales,orcas, sea lions andelephant seals, dolphinsand porpoisesindifferent seasonsmakes it unique.ValdezPeninsulais truly afeast for theeyesand a paradise fornature enthusiastsandoutdoor sports: diving, swimming, biking, hiking, etc..
650 hectáreas en General Alvear, provincia de Mendoza - Argentina, divididas en 35 hectáreas de viñedos + 150 hectáreas de ciruelas y 465 hectáreas sin explotar. Las plantaciones cuentan con riego superficial (por decantación natural, lo que implica $0 de costo). INFRAESTRUCTURA: bodega + secadero y planta de empaque de ciruelas para exportación. Factura (2011) US$2.000.000 al año y obtiene un neto de US$1.000.000.-
650 hectaresinGeneralAlvear, Mendoza- Argentina, divided into35 hectaresof vineyards+ 150hectares ofplumsand 465undevelopedacres.The plantationsare in an inclined irrigatedsurface(fornatural settling, which means$ 0cost).INFRASTRUCTURE:cellar+dryer and plums´packing plantfor export.Bill(2011)U.S.$ 2,000,000per year andgeta netof $ 1,000,000.-