Excellent lot for a building construction in Pocitos, Montevideo
Tres lotes contiguos, con una casa edificada en cada terreno, totalizando 1.265 m2. Ubicados en la mejor zona de Pocitos a 3 cuadras de la Playa. Ideal para inversores con proyecto edilicio de 5 a 10 pisos. El FOS (Factor de ocupación del suelo) es del 60%, pudiendose construir cerca de 1.012 m2 por cada piso de altura. En la zona el valor del m2 de calidad standar a estrenar se estima entre US$2.000 y US$2.500. La venta se realiza en bloque.
Three contiguous lots with a house built in each area, totaling 1265 m2. Located in the best part of Pocitos. 3 blocks from the beach away. Ideal for investors with building projects from 5 to 10 floors. The FOS (Factor of land cover) is 60%, being able to build nearly 1012 m2 per floorheight. In the value of m2 brand new quality standard is estimated between $ 2,000 and $ 2,500. The product is sold in one block.
For the successful execution of a project, effective planning is essential. Involved with the design and execution of the infrastructure in question must consider the environmental impact of the job, the successful scheduling, budgeting, construction site safety, availability of building materials, logistics, inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays and bidding, etc.
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